Saturday, November 18, 2017

Pokemon The Movie I Choose You Spoiler Free Review

Episode 97: The nefarious ninety-seventh episode of the PokeProblemsPodcast! This week we talk news!
Thanks for listening! If you have any questions or comments, we want to hear from you. Have you defeated Super Mario Odyssey? Are you going to catch the newest Pokemon movie after Thanksgiving? Have you given up your Magikarp hat to dress Alolan style? Tweet, email, or comment on the blog or Facebook to let us know!

Get it on Google Play


  1. Hey! Thanks for not adding spoilers as they literally spoil everything. My cousin is now days watching shows by Andy Yeatman and when I started this show she gave me the spoiler and it felt bad. I hated it. I am watching a lot of Pokémon as well now days.
